CSD Nutrition Services

Healthy Meals Incentive Grantee

Farm to School and Scratch Cooking!

During the 2022-2023 school year, our kitchens worked on bringing our students more scratch cooked meals. We plan to continue this style of menu for the 2023-2024 year. Our district is focused on bringing our students nutritious, ingredient-based menu items creating a “from scratch menu”. Our menus will continue to follow the USDA Guidelines for appropriate grades as
well as provide new flavors and varieties. We’re excited to bring more new items to our menus and ask for patience as we work to continue improvements.

If you have questions or comments about the Colville School District Food Service program, please contact:

Cassandra Hayes, SNS at 684-7824 or cassandra.hayes@colsd.org


CSD Nutrition Services Team

Colville School District qualified to run under the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) which provides breakfast and lunch to our district's students for four years.

View Your School's Menu:

Although students eat free, other programs (like ASB) still need a Family Income Survey completed for proper funding. Please fill out one survey per a family and submit to the district.

Harvest of the Month: HONEY


Honey Bees

Tasty Trivia!

  • Bees make honey by collecting nectar from flowers. They pass the nectar between bees and place inside the hexagonal cell made from wax (the honeycomb) to break down into simple sugars (by adding bee enzymes) that is stored inside the comb.

  • Honey is dried in the hive by bees flapping their wings and then capped with wax for storage.

  • Honey's flavor and color change based on the nectar collected by the bees.

  • A healthy hive will produce about 65 pounds of honey per year.

  • To harvest honey, beekeepers scrape a wax seal off the honeycombs.

  • A typical bee produces about 1/12 teaspoon of honey during its life!

  • Honey tastes slightly sweeter than sugar

Substitute with Honey!

Honey can be used instead of sugar in recipes.

Reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe by 1/4 cup, add 1/2 tsp of baking soda, and reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees F and substitute your sugar with honey!

1 cup of sugar = 1 cup of honey

1 cup of brown sugar = 3/4 cup honey

Add some honey to your pork or fish marinade to give it a sweet, unique flavor and glaze while roasting or grilling.